You must have seen ladybugs, what a cute creature they are. Red bright skin and black spots on the whole body. And they are also so much essential for ecological balance.
You are here to know what do ladybugs eat and drink means you know their need to our environment or you are just curious to know about their diet. Here in this blog you will know all the favorite meals of ladybugs.
What Do Ladybugs Eat?

Ladybugs really eats the insects which are harmful for our gardens or farms. They commonly feed on insects having soft bodies. Here is a list of their favorite insects:
- Aphids: Aphids are favorite food of ladybugs and that makes them beneficial for our gardens because aphids are not good for our plants at all. An adult ladybug can eat almost 50 aphids a day including their larvae.
- Other Insects: Ladybugs also eat some other small insects like mites, whiteflies, and scale insects.
- Fungi and Pollen: When they don’t find any of insects mentioned above they turn their diet toward fungi and pollen and this make them a great survival expert.
If you are environment friendly and want to know diet of some other creatures then you must read this: What Do Raccoons Eat?
What Do Ladybugs Drink?
Same as the other living things ladybugs also need water to stay hydrated. Although ladybugs don’t need that much of water to stay hydrated because of their small size but yeah! they need water for sure. Their drinking habit includes:
- Water Sources: As there are so many water sources in the earth that makes these small and cute insects to live without any worry. They directly intake water from the water sources like ponds, rain water, etc.
- Moisture: Ladybugs commonly live in buses on the trees and they use moisture to stay hydrated especially in the dry season.
Do All Ladybugs Eat the Same Food?
If you think all the ladybugs eat same diet then you are totally wrong. Larvae only eat aphids and mites means they are only carnivores but adults has a wide diet plan. They can eat pollen and nectar in the absence of insects as food.
Benefits of Ladybugs for Gardens
Ladybugs are really very beneficial for our environment and also for our gardens. They eat aphids, mites and other insects and as you know aphids are bad for our gardens and we have to use insecticide and pesticide to remove them type of insects so they help us to main our garden pure organic.
How to Attract Ladybugs?
Now you know the benefits of ladybugs in your garden so you must be thinking that how can you attract ladybugs to your garden. No problem, here are some tips that definitely work:
- Plant Ladybug-Friendly Plants: Plant some flower plants like marigold, dill, and fennel which attracts aphids and as you know aphids are the favorite food of ladybugs so they’ll definitely get attracted.
- Place Water Sources: Place some water dishes or keep your garden’s soil moist that’ll definitely attract ladybugs to your garden
- Create Shelters: Create some shady and bushy shelters because ladybugs stay and reproduce in these type of niches.
So at the last we’ll advise you to keep these cute insects happy and you’ll find that your garden will flourish in very short span of time. If you find this post helpful or have any complaints or query regarding this post, let us know through comment section.