As the word break up denotes that something that you love is break up and to whom the relationship is meant to be pure and valuable, it becomes very difficult to break up with them.
So we always find a fix for problems which we are struggling while living with each other but unfortunately we come to a point where we find it the best solution to give up the relationship and do break up.
But at that time one main thing which comes into mind is that how we How to Break Up with Someone without Hurting Them means without having sad and letting your partner to feel the same thing.
What are the reasons of break up?
There can be many of personal reasons which lead to break up. Even though your relationship is very strong and pure but sometimes it becomes very difficult to handle that relationship which eventually end up with break up. Along with these personal reasons there are some of most common reasons which lead to breakup which are mentioned below:
- Sometimes people get close to each other very quickly and when they get to know each other deeply they realize that they are not meant to be together.
- Human’s mind is so versatile and changes with time so change in thoughts is also a main reason of breakup
- Family issues are also most common cause of break up.
- Sometimes financial issues can also lead to break up.
- Ideas, interests and many more things which vary from person to person is reason of breakup too if are not matching in the partners.
How a Break Up Affects?
There are many of effects of break up which both the partners feel and go through. Breakup is very painful as we all know. But if it’s your first breakup than this will be like hell for you literally. But don’t take too stress because happiness and sorrow is a part of life. Just go through it bravely. Now come to the point that what are the effects of break up:
- Break up affects mental health of both the partners because it is not easy to loose a loved one.
- If you have children than break up affects them heavily as they will not get love from both their parents as they needed.
- Break up affect families of both the persons.
- Break up also affect you physically because you know what when you get away from any loved one, you will not feel hunger, and will become lazy for no reason.
To Break Up or Not:
Before doing break up, every person has a query in their mind that should he/she break up or not. And this is so necessary to re-think about doing break up because sometimes people break up in hurry, anger, and after some time they regret when there is nothing left behind.
Before seeking toward breakup. assess your feeling and figure out the reasons due to which you are thinking to get over the relationship. Try to resolve the issues with talking to you partner but if after doing efforts the problem is still the same than you can go towards the path of break up.
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How to Break Up with Someone?
Now this is the last step after you have done everything to protect you relationship from break up. But if you are here than it means you have made you mind to do the breakup and here are the best ways to break up with someone without hurting them:

- Choose a right time and place to breakup. If you will initiate a break up after a fight this will let them think that you break up is due to a small fight and that will make a bad impression of yours in their mind. And if you will break up while having a very good time this will definitely ruin the moment. The most appropriate time can be when everything is normal between you.
- You should be honest and gentle to your partner even you are breaking up. Talk to your partner and honestly discuss the main problem you are facing in the relationship.
- Choose and calm and private environment for talking about the breakup.
- Don’t argue with your partner, listen to your partner even if he is getting hyper or anything else, this will eventually make the thing more easy to handle otherwise if you will argue in between, this will definitely make the situation worst.
- Recognize and validate their feelings and emotions. Show empathy and understanding toward their response to the break up.
- Answer their each and every question peacefully so to make them comfortable for this situation.
- Be mentally prepared for the reactions because this will not be easy for them to get away from a relationship without saying a word.
- Choose the appropriate lines for break up like “I think we have lost the connection between us”, “I think we should give us a space”, “You are best in everything but situations are not up to us.” We should use these type of lines so that you partner will not fell any type of disrespect in it.
- Explain them about the life ahead that life doesn’t ends here, go and explore the life.
- Ensure them you can never think them as bad person, tell them you are the best person I have ever met but our thinking, interests, ideas are not same so you want a break up.
- Use “I” statements during the conversation rather than making it the other person’s fault. Like “I feel that our ideas don’t match”, “I think we’ve grown apart” rather than “Your ideas don’t match with me” or “You are doing such things which lead us to grow apart.”
What to do After Break Up?
Navigating post breakup life is such a important thing to take your life back into the runway. But this is not simple as it is easy to read but yeah! not that much difficult that you can’t do it. Just use these simple tricks to navigate your life to back to track after break up:

- It’s is absolutely normal to feel sad, have anxiety, feel low, anger and many more things after break up. You just have to allow urself to heal naturally.
- Reach out to your friends, family for mentally support, this will heal you more quickly.
- Do meditation and yoga daily to reduce anxiety and stress.
- Go for hiking, trekking with friends where you will have some time for yourself.
- Set a limit with you ex-partner so that you will get over them otherwise you will think about them every time.
- Don’t jump into a new relationship so quickly this will make you uncomfortable along with your ex-partner.
- Focus on your career and professional life so that your mind will get very less time to think about your break up.
- Avoid drinking and choose the side of sobriety and if you are not aware of sobriety then read sobriety quotes because drinking or smoking can give you pleasure for only few hours but sobriety is life long.
Break up is really a nightmare for the couple who love each other, but sometimes it become necessary to have a break up for your inner peace. But you should definitely re-consider and talk with your partner about the problem and it is way better than a break up to live together.
But if you have done everything and now you are feeling there is not a connection like before in your relationship than you should definitely consider break up for the betterment of both lives of your and your partner. You will definitely get some idea from this post that how to break up with someone without hurting them.